Hiker from Hawkins County Successfully Finishes the Appalachian Trail

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Hiker from Hawkins County Successfully Finishes the Appalachian Trail
Tennessee's Hawkins County (WJHL) — After trekking the whole Appalachian Trail, a guy from Hawkins County is back at home.

Charles Grubb began his adventure in 2012 and completed the incredible achievement on his 56th birthday.

Approximately 2,200 miles of the path travel up and down the East Coast.

"Usually, after work, everyone would think I was crazy for wanting to go hiking in the woods for a week," Grubb said. "What my family thought, I don't know. They all believed that I was probably insane as well. But while hiking, I got to know a lot of really interesting folks.

According to Grubb, who spoke with News Channel 11, he hiked some parts of the path one week at a time. Grubb made preparations in case the weather affected a portion of the path.

Grubb remarked, "I think I would say move to the north faster if I were advising another section hiker." If I had done that, I believe I could have completed the [trail] in five years. And because to COVID, I was able to complete it in eleven years instead of the 10 that I had planned."

While hiking the Appalachian Trail, some hikers called Grubb "Grubb-Worm."